Why you should talk to your plants!
One thing I do is talk to my plants lol! Anyone else do that? My kids wonder who I'm talking to sometimes and then they'll find me leaning over one of my plants touching it's leaves.
Telling it how beautiful it is when I notice a new leaf sprouting and then watch in anticipation each day as it unfurls.
Telling it how I've neglected it if I notice a yellow leaf or droopy stem.
Telling it if I need to give it a dust, move it because it's getting too much sun or snip a dead leaf.
Talking to our plants is both healing to us and our plants.
When we talk to our plants we: slow down, notice, pause, reflect, ponder - some call this mindfulness - living in the present moment. It calms our mind, our thoughts, reduces stress.
When we talk to our plants we: connect with nature. Sometimes our indoor plants are the only natural living things that we connect with in our world each day (unless we're making conscious choices each day to be out in nature, connecting in nature).
When we talk to our plants we: notice their needs more. We notice bugs, fungus, watering, adjusting light, marks on leaves.
When we talk to our plants we: become more bonded with them, with ourselves, we may feel less alone and our voices may actually contribute to our plants growth.
Do you speak to your plants? Now is the time to start.
Rachel Prest
Creator & Stylist at Love My Plants, Newcastle, Australia